Have you ever noticed how many times throughout a normal day, at any given moment, without warning things could go from good to difficult? You can be engaged in conversation enjoying the interactions, feeling positive and optimistic, then seemingly out of nowhere something is said or done that changes the whole mood of the experience. Someone reacts badly and the tone and tenor of the conversation changes and becomes challenging.

These common interactions have become socially accepted as dysfunctional normal.  “That’s just the way it is.” These frustrating signals flood our minds as we constantly correct the complaints into how things should be. Our intolerance, annoyances and disappointments roll through our thoughts or off our lips all day about fallen behaviors and  “should know betters.”

If you took a clicker and pressed it every time something bothered you in a single day, you would notice that these “accepted” irritations come overwhelmingly often.

These pain signals are called your BioCodes; Your life’s way of talking to you everyday. These “pain in the day” messages are more powerful than you can imagine- filled with vital information for you to take advantage of.

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